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How to Use Innovation, Tech & Data to Become the Earth‘s Most Candidate Centric Company

Innovation is a key enabler for Deutsche Bahn’s talent acquisition activities to recruit over 20.000 new employees per year in a challenging labour market. Kerstin Wagner heads the 800 people strong talent acquisition team at Deutsche Bahn. She will explain what makes their approach distinctive and strategically important. Their customer is the candidate in the labour market. Thus, Deutsche Bahn shapes the whole candidate journey with digital tools, data and innovative methods. This helps to positively increase the image as employer exponentially, to hire a volume of a mid sized city on time and underlines their goal: to become the earth’s most candidate-centric company. In addition, Kerstin takes a look into the crystal ball and shares how Deutsche Bahn, free of organizational boundaries, predicts the jobs of the future. She concludes by showing how her leadership principles, unique formats and a modern training environment foster innovation in her team.

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