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Keynotes and track talks by corporate speakers from different industries and leading academic experts

Presentations are short and mostly take place in tracks. This enables attendees to stay focused on their key interests and challenges. Each day includes more time for interaction than presentation in order to ensure high levels of energy and exchange.


VIRTUAL 2022  Online, 8-10 March

2024 Copenhagen, 5-7 November

Coming soon...

SPRING 2022  Copenhagen, 10-12 May

3 Summits • 1 Ticket

VIRTUAL  On-Demand

Request Program

Thank you for your interest in the HR Innovation Roundtable Summit. Please fill in this form to request the detailed program.

The Summit is open exclusively to attendees from large firms, hence the program will be sent only to individuals within such companies.


Please fill in the form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.